ChatGPT Illustration 

The language services industry is no stranger to AI shaking up how we do things. With the constant deluge of news about OpenAI’s ChatGPT, many people are wondering how this will affect writers of all content. In localization, there are many ChatGPT features such as automated post-editing, glossary building, and source content optimization that could potentially be incorporated into workflows. On March 1, Custom.MT, a Prague-based translation agency, held an engaging discussion about how tools like ChatGPT can strengthen and change the industry once more. Chatter among peers on LinkedIn has revealed trials done with ChatGPT, such as asking it how to invoice a client for specified translation services. As depicted in the picture, AI tools can be very powerful when placed in the hands of professionals. Translators have MT as a tool to translate their content. Now there’s a bot to help generate content when you need a boost.   

Artwork by Yifan Ren

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